Dog Groomer Product Satisfaction Survey

Select previously worked with Unex Designs Ltd. to test the effectiveness of their Pet Remedy treatment for dogs with behavioural issues. We were pleased to have the opportunity to work with Unex again, this time to help with a survey of professional dog groomers regarding their experiences with using Pet Remedy in their salons.

The Challenge

Unex were looking to obtain feedback from groomers on how they felt Pet Remedy affected the comfort and anxiety levels of their clients, particularly for dogs known to find the grooming experience stressful, as well as their overall opinion of the product.

The Approach

In conjunction with a dog behaviour specialist, we provided statistical support with the design of the questionnaire to be distributed to professional groomers identified by Unex. Select also facilitated the set-up and running of the online survey, and undertook the statistical analysis of the results. The analysis focussed on summaries of the groomers’ opinions/responses and visualisations of the key outcomes. Overall, over 95% of the groomers who responded to the feedback questions said that they would recommend Pet Remedy to their clients (as shown below). Furthermore, for 84% of the dogs included in the survey, the groomers felt Pet Remedy moderately or significantly improved the dog’s behaviour.

Diverging stacked bar chart - Pet Remedy groomer satisfactionThe Value


These survey results provide Unex with valuable feedback on Pet Remedy customer satisfaction levels. Free-text comments provided via the survey also enabled Unex to identify minor additions/amendments that could be made to enhance the product’s usability in professional salons, improving the customer experience.

Select explained and organised the data in a way that was interesting and easily understandable. I expected a statistical report to be hard going and it was anything but! We have a really reader-friendly report with clearly presented data.Kate Mallatratt – Behaviourist and Trainer, Contemplating Canines
